Saturday, August 31, 2013

Visiting the McAlindens in Montreal

The family entered the US through Canada and the McAlinden branch of the family stayed in Canada.  In these photos Frank (Francis) and Susan Mulvey along with thier daughter Mary Mission and her children are visiting.

Francis Mulvey, Susan Mulvey McAlinden, Susan Clark Mulvey
Montreal Canada
Early 1920s
John Mission wrote on the back of this photo
"Do you know this family I think you should. John
Mother is having a little nap"
Mother refers to his wife Mary Misson
L-R Thomas Mulvey Susan Clark Mulvey, Susan Mulvey McAlinden, John Mulvey
Monteal Early 1923
L-R Thomas Mulvey, Patrick McAlinden (m Susan Mulvey) ?? Francis Mulvey, Frances Misson
Early 1920s


Back Row L-r Flory Mission and Francis Mulvey holding Frances Mission
Front L-R Dorothy Mission  Boy??
Early 1920s

Mary Mulvey Mission and Susan Clark Mulvey
Montreal Cananda Early 1920s

Mary Mulvey Mission holding John Mission Susan Clark Mulvey with Frances Mission

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